No Pasarán! Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis

No Pasarán! Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis

200,00 DKK

Forfatter: Shane Burley (Editor), Tal Lavin (Foreword); David Renton (Afterword)
Sidetal: 564
Stand: Som ny
Udgiver: AK Press
Sprog: English
ISBN: 97-1-84935-482>0

Lagerstatus: På lager

¡No Pasarán! is an anthology of antifascist writing that takes up the fight against white supremacy and the far-right from multiple angles. From the history of antifascism to today's movement to identify, deplatform, and confront the right, and the ways an insurgent fascism is growing within capitalist democracies, a myriad of voices come together to shape the new face of antifascism in a moment of social and political flux.