Unravelling Capitalism - a guide to Marxist Political Economy

Unravelling Capitalism - a guide to Marxist Political Economy

90,00 DKK

Forfatter: bookmarks publications
Sidetal: 159
Stand: slidt
Sprog: English
Udgiver: Bookmarks publications
ISBN: 978-190519250

Lagerstatus: På lager

our lives; it offers a powerful moral and scientific critique of capitalism and equips us with the ability to conceive or new, just ways of organising our society. This second, updated edition, of Joseph Choonara’s Unravelling Capitalism is a concise but effective introduction to the complex field of Marxist economics. The book gives a methodical account of the principles underpinning Marx’s economic thought which feels carefully judged and deliberate without seeming like a textbook. It lays out each principle in clear, accessible terms so that it can be understood fully and, vitally, recounted to friends, comrades and co-workers.
Review: Joseph Choonara, Unravelling Capitalism: a Guide to Marxist Political Economy